
the curliest chopstick in the cupboard

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## TPT ### Week 2 Test Prep
5.5 Notes: Legal and Ethical Concerns
- (IP) is a work/invention resulting from creativity. someone has the rights to this
- Copyright protects the IP, and prevents people from using it unless they have permission
- Plagiarism is when you take someone elses material and present it as your own
- There are legal ways to use someone else's material: Creative Commons, open access, and open source
- Creative commons provides free licenses, they tell others how you want them to use the creations (tells people what they can do with your work)
- Open access is online research that has not a lot of restrictions
- Open source are programs that are freely available for anyone to use
Github Pages Action: 1. When you create a GitHub repository it requests a license type. Review the license types in relationship to this Tech Talk and make some notes in GitHub pages.
A Creative Commons License waives copyright interest in your work and dedicates it to world-wide public domain. An Open Source GPL License lets people do almost anything with your project except distribution of closed source versions. An Open Source MIT License allows free code use and distribution of closed source versions.
2. Make a license for your personal and Team project. Document license you picked and why.
Our team and sponsor all agreed on using a Creative Commons License because it is ideal for educational use, and our website encourages readers to develop their education through the love of reading. Also, we wouldn't mind if other CSP students wanted to build onto our project and improve it. A Creative Commons License would be ideal for this purpose, as long as we are given some form of credit.
5.6 Notes: Safe Computing
- PI = personally identifiable information
- Can be used to steal someone’s identity, bank funds, or to impersonate someone someone in order to gain access to an organization
- Search engines maintain a history of what you search
- PII can be used to enhance a user’s online experience
- Can be used to enhance a user’s online experience, but it can also be exploited (harmful impact)
- Google knows your email and your IP address
- The federal government knows where/learns where and when you are traveling
- To create a strong passwords: (10+ characters, must contain a symbol, must contain number and lowercase and uppercase letters)
- Multi-Factor Authentication: What you know, what you have, what you are
- Two types of encryption: Symmetric and Asymmetric encryption:
- Symmetric encyrption is when one key is used to both encrypt and decrypt data
- Asymettric Encryption is a Public Key Encryption: it uses two keys (a public key for encypting, and a private key for decrypting)
- The benefit here is that a sender does not need the receiver’s key to encrypt a message, but needs it to decrypt it.
GitHub pages actions: 1. Describe PII you have seen on project in CompSci Principles.
One example of PII I have seen in CSP was the example table for the CRUD project. This is PII because there were entry boxes for people to enter their name and email address, which could then be accessed by every single student in CSP.
2. What are your feelings about PII and your exposure?
It's a little scary knowing how easily people could find my personal information and knowing what might they do with it, but that knowledge will keep me more accountable for the content I'm putting out into the world and ultimately make my digital presence a litle safer for myself.
3. Describe good and bad passwords? What is another step that is used to assist in authentication.
A good password should have a variation of letters, numbers, and symbols. It should also be something very personal that only the creator of the password would know. Besides the actual password itself, another way to strengthen security would be to use multi factor authentication, where a user would have to sign into an account on multiple devices.
4. Try to describe Symmetric and Asymmetric encryption.
Symmetric encryption is when only one key is used for both the encryption and decryption of electronic information, whereas Asymmetric encryption allows users to encrypt information using pairs of keys that consist of a public and private key.
5. Provide and example of encryption we used in deployment.
An example of encryption used in deployment was the process of Certbot to switch our HTTP site to work in HTTPS, which is more secure, by getting a certificate from Let's Encrypt.
6. Describe a phishing scheme you have learned about the hard way. Describe some other phishing techniques.
Luckily, there haven't been any instances where I have fallen for a phishing scheme. But I have encountered them because I used to get texts from unknown numbers sending me suspicious links. Other phishing technique I've heard of could be from emails or social media.
### Week 1 Test Prep
5.3 Notes: Computer Bias
- computer algoriths, just like humans, can show bias (created by humans)
- purposeful bias used to show content catered toward a specific group
- purposeful bias can be helpful to increase profits for companies
- accidental bias can result from a computer algorithim only taking information from a specific group of people
- self driving cars have trouble detecting pedestrians of darker skin color
Github Pages Action: 1. Does the owner of the computer think this was intentional?: no, he was not being completely serious as he was discussing the issue almost in a joking tone. It was an unintentional mistake.
2. If yes or no, justify you conclusion: HP computers would not discrimate against black people on purpose
3. How do you think this happened?:
Machine learning uses contrast between dark areas of face with shadows and lighter areas of the face to detect a human face. on darker skinned individuals, especially with just a low quality webcam, there is less contrast and the computer does not pick it up as a face. it is not intentional.
6. Is this harmful? Was it intended to be harmful or exclude?:
it is harmful because it can cause darker skinned individuals to not feel recognized as people but this wasn't done on purpose, it is just that the computer algorith can't pick up small differences in contrast.
8. Should it be corrected?: yes it needs to be corrected to not discriminate against black people
9. What would you or should you do to produce a better outcome?: develop new methods to detect faces or create alorithim to detect smaller changes in contrast on the face
5.4 Notes: Crowdsourcing
- Crowdsourcing: obtain information from large groups of people
- Wikipedia is available because of crowdsourcing, people everywhere upload information that gets fact checked
- we have participated in crowdsourcing on github, share code
- some people don't think crowdsourcing is reliable but crowdsourcing can help remove bias
- the more opinions and information gathered from more people from more diverse backgrounds the less likely there is to be bias
GitHub pages actions: 1. CompSci has 150 principles students. Describe a crowdsource idea and how you might initiate it in our environment?:
Gather code information from everyone on github, to create a very large collaborative project where everyone has one page to share their favorite feature/minilab they have created. 3. What about Del Norte crowdsourcing? Could your final project be better with crowdsourcing?:
Del Norte has used crowdsorucing before to elect and choose the best asb president and other positions. the choice is representative of everyone's group decision because everyone gives there opinion. Crowdsourcing from other students could help my final project to choose what kinda of features everyone most wants on a reading website.
### Week 0 Test Prep 5.1 Notes: Beneficial and Harmful effects of computing - Computing benefits society, program drones to have many uses(aerial search, hobbies, military usage) - computing created applications and games that bring lots of pleasure to ppl (dopamine is released in their brains), they become addicted which is very harmful - social lives, relationships and even healthy can be ruined (one man became so addicted to gaming he almost ruined his life before he finally chose to stop) - automation can save time and money - automated telephone trees save people money, don't have to hire ppl to interact with customers when a computer can handle them instead. Only when nesesscary is a human put on the line Github Pages Action: 1. Come up with three of your own Beneficial and corresponding Harmful Effects of Computing:
Computing created self checkout machines. There is less need for human cashiers if a machine can do their job. This saves the employers money but it also takes people's jobs away. Computing created online math equation solvers. They can be beneficial in helping people do math more effeciently and check accuracy of people's work but it is also commonly used to cheat. Self driving cars can make driving more convienent but if it is involved in an accident it makes deciding who is liable more difficult. 2. Talk about dopamine issues above. Real? Parent conspiracy? Anything that is impacting your personal study and success in High School?:
Dopamine and addiction is real and not a parent conspiracy. If we do or experience something enjoyable, our brain does release dopamine, and we can get too attached/addicted. These dopamine issues impact everyone, including me. When dopamine is released when we do something we feel happy. So we want to keep on doing that same thing so more dopamine is released. But it the activity we are doing is not nesesscarly good then this issue becomes bad. Dopamine is released when I go on social media. This affects my success in high school because I go on social media too much to get that dopamine release. It has become an "addiction". 5.2 Notes: The digital divide - more impoverished areas have less access to technology, some countries (china, north korea) restrict people's access to the internet which also puts them on the other side of the digital divide - contributing factors to divide are socioeconomic (money), geographic (location), demographic (education, nationality, religion, and ethnicity) - individuals do not have access to the latest technology or updates - some religious groups like the amish do not use technology, putting them on the other side of the divide - some schools provide chromebooks to help bridge the divide but even then chromebooks cannot compete with some of the computers brought from home (cannot run powerful programs, some pages and actions are blocked) - at school even computers from home have restrictions when on school wifi, routers block specific content and sites Github Pages Action: 1. How does someone empower themself in a digital world?:
Someone can empower themself in a digital world by making sure their technology is updated correctly or purhcase devices so they can have access to the internet and resources from online. Someone can also be empowered by doing some research so they know how to use the internt safely and to it's fullest potential. They can also do research about their device so they can utilize all of the tools and features that comes with it or can be downloaded. Even though its not possible for everyone to be on one side of the digital divide, those who do have the money to purchase a device, they can be more empowered by doing the above and being more educated on technology and how it works. 2. How does someone that is empowered help someone that is not empowered? Describe something you could do at Del Norte HS:
Someone that is empowered can help someone that is not empowered by donating money so that they can go and purhcase a device. Another way would be to donate devices to the not empowered. This way the not empowered can be more empowered by having access to the interent and resources that they did not have access to before. Another way someone empowered can help someone that is not, is by teaching them how to safely use their devices and the internt to its fullest potential. For example, if someone who previously did have a computer or email did not know to avoid clicking on random links from junk emails they could be educated on this from someone that is empowerd. They would learn this new information and be more empowered by avoiding getting a virus from the junk email. Something that could be done at Del Nrote Highschool is host a fundraisier or a device donation drive. The fundraised money and devices would be donated to those who are not empowered. 3. Is paper or red tape blocking digital empowerment? Are there such barriers at Del Norte? Elsewhere?:
Red tape is blocking digital empowerment. You can use paper and still be digitally empowered. But with red tape it is a lot harder. At del norte, the school wifi network is a barrier. It blocks out many sites and content that can be useful to students learning. For example, in our very own computer science class, our deployed websites are blocked on school wifi. It is a huge barrier if students in del Norte’s computer science classroom cannot access their own work at school. There are also red tape barriers elsewhere, such as North Korea. People there do not have free access to the internet