Video Notes

  • College students will sacrifice their mental health for their grades and for their classes
  • Build habits for yourself about doing things you love
  • Help others to make yourself feel better
  • Better physical heatlh can help improve mental health, workout or go on walks
  • Be grateful for the opportunities and resources you have
  • Don’t compare yourself to other, be the best version of yourself

Notes of Gratitude

Dear Mom, I am so grateful that you are always there for me. Even when I have to ask you about the most simple questions when I’m doing homework, you always immediately stop what you are doing to help me. I feel comfortable to talk to you about whatever I want. I’m so lucky to have such a supportive mom.

Dear Mrs. Ayres, I am so grateful to have had you as my US history teacher. Your lessons were always so engaging and you put so much thought into them. I’m grateful you had so much passion for teaching and that made me look forward to your class everyday.

Gratitude List

  • I’m gratefull I live in San Diego
  • I’m grateful for my supportive friendgroup
  • I’m grateful for my best friend Aishani who’s always there for me
  • I’m grateful for a loving family
  • I’m grateful to not have to worry about money


  • Sleep earlier
  • Stop procrastinating
  • Become more self driven and motivated
  • Start working out consistently
  • Fix my eating schedule
  • Get good grades and into a good college