// Grams of Nutrition Converter

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Nutrition
   // food #1 constants
   static final String FOOD_1_NAME = "all-purpose flour";
   static final int FOOD_1_CALORIES_P100G = 364;  // in calories
   static final double FOOD_1_FAT_P100G = 0.98;   // in grams
   static final double FOOD_1_CARBS_P100G = 76.31;   // in grams
   static final double FOOD_1_PROTEIN_P100G = 10.33;   // in grams
   // food #2 constants
   static final String FOOD_2_NAME = "egg";
   static final int FOOD_2_CALORIES_P100G = 143;  // in calories
   static final double FOOD_2_FAT_P100G = 9.5;   // in grams
   static final double FOOD_2_CARBS_P100G = 0.7;   // in grams
   static final double FOOD_2_PROTEIN_P100G = 13.;   // in grams
   // food #3 constants
   static final String FOOD_3_NAME = "cheddar cheese";
   static final int FOOD_3_CALORIES_P100G = 104;  // in calories
   static final double FOOD_3_FAT_P100G = 33.;   // in grams
   static final double FOOD_3_CARBS_P100G = 3.1;   // in grams
   static final double FOOD_3_PROTEIN_P100G = 23;   // in grams
   // food #4 constants
   static final String FOOD_4_NAME = "potato";
   static final int FOOD_4_CALORIES_P100G = 93;  // in calories
   static final double FOOD_4_FAT_P100G = 0.1;   // in grams
   static final double FOOD_4_CARBS_P100G = 21.;   // in grams
   static final double FOOD_4_PROTEIN_P100G = 2.5;   // in grams
   // food #5 constants
   static final String FOOD_5_NAME = "tomato paste";
   static final int FOOD_5_CALORIES_P100G = 82;  // in calories
   static final double FOOD_5_FAT_P100G = 0.5;   // in grams
   static final double FOOD_5_CARBS_P100G = 19.;   // in grams
   static final double FOOD_5_PROTEIN_P100G = 4.3;   // in grams
   static final String INDENT = "   ";
   static final String SEPARATOR = "\n";
   public static void main(String[] args)
      String recipeName, userInputStr;
      int recipeServingsInt, userInputInt;
      double totalCals, totalFat, totalCarbs, totalProtein,
         serCals, serFat, serCarbs, serProtein;
      Scanner inputStream = new Scanner(System.in);
      // initialize accumulator variables
      totalCals =  0;
      totalFat  = 0.;
      totalCarbs = 0.;
      totalProtein = 0.;
      // initialize result variables
      serCals = 0;
      serFat = 0.;
      serCarbs = 0.;
      serProtein = 0.;
      // print menu
      System.out.println("---------- List of Possible Ingredients ---------");
      System.out.println(INDENT + "Food #1: " + FOOD_1_NAME);
      System.out.println(INDENT + "Food #2: " + FOOD_2_NAME);
      System.out.println(INDENT + "Food #2: " + FOOD_3_NAME);
      System.out.println(INDENT + "Food #2: " + FOOD_4_NAME);
      System.out.println(INDENT + "Food #3: " + FOOD_5_NAME + SEPARATOR);      
      // name of recipe
      System.out.print("What is the recipe's name? ");
      recipeName  = inputStream.nextLine();
      // # of servings
      System.out.print("\nHow many servings? ");
      userInputStr  = inputStream.nextLine();
      recipeServingsInt = Integer.parseInt(userInputStr);
      if ((recipeServingsInt > 15) || (recipeServingsInt < 1)) //servings range
         System.out.println("Error: Enter a value between 1 and 15\n");
      // food #1 ---------------------------------------------------------
      System.out.print("\nHow many grams of " + FOOD_1_NAME + "? ");
      userInputStr = inputStream.nextLine();
      userInputInt = Integer.parseInt(userInputStr);
      if ((userInputInt > 1500) || (userInputInt < 0)) //grams range
         System.out.println("Error: Enter a value between 0 and 1500\n");
      // update accumulators
      totalCals += userInputInt * (FOOD_1_CALORIES_P100G / 100.);
      totalFat  += userInputInt * (FOOD_1_FAT_P100G / 100.);
      totalCarbs  += userInputInt * (FOOD_1_CARBS_P100G / 100.);
      totalProtein  += userInputInt * (FOOD_1_PROTEIN_P100G / 100.);
      // food #2 ---------------------------------------------------------
      System.out.print("\nHow many grams of " + FOOD_2_NAME + "? ");
      userInputStr = inputStream.nextLine();
      userInputInt = Integer.parseInt(userInputStr);
      if ((userInputInt > 1500) || (userInputInt < 0)) //grams range
         System.out.println("Error: Enter a value between 0 and 1500\n");
      // update accumulators
      totalCals += userInputInt * (FOOD_2_CALORIES_P100G / 100.);
      totalFat  += userInputInt * (FOOD_2_FAT_P100G / 100.);
      totalCarbs  += userInputInt * (FOOD_2_CARBS_P100G / 100.);
      totalProtein  += userInputInt * (FOOD_2_PROTEIN_P100G / 100.);
      // food #3 ---------------------------------------------------------
      System.out.print("\nHow many grams of " + FOOD_3_NAME + "? ");
      userInputStr = inputStream.nextLine();
      userInputInt = Integer.parseInt(userInputStr);
      if ((userInputInt > 1500) || (userInputInt < 0)) //grams range
         System.out.println("Error: Enter a value between 0 and 1500\n");
      // update accumulators
      totalCals += userInputInt * (FOOD_3_CALORIES_P100G / 100.);
      totalFat  += userInputInt * (FOOD_3_FAT_P100G / 100.);
      totalCarbs  += userInputInt * (FOOD_3_CARBS_P100G / 100.);
      totalProtein  += userInputInt * (FOOD_3_PROTEIN_P100G / 100.);
      // food #4 ---------------------------------------------------------
      System.out.print("\nHow many grams of " + FOOD_4_NAME + "? ");
      userInputStr = inputStream.nextLine();
      userInputInt = Integer.parseInt(userInputStr);
      if ((userInputInt > 1500) || (userInputInt < 0)) //grams range
         System.out.println("Error: Enter a value between 0 and 1500\n");
      // update accumulators
      totalCals += userInputInt * (FOOD_4_CALORIES_P100G / 100.);
      totalFat  += userInputInt * (FOOD_4_FAT_P100G / 100.);
      totalCarbs  += userInputInt * (FOOD_4_CARBS_P100G / 100.);
      totalProtein  += userInputInt * (FOOD_4_PROTEIN_P100G / 100.);
      // food #5 ---------------------------------------------------------
      System.out.print("\nHow many grams of " + FOOD_5_NAME + "? ");
      userInputStr = inputStream.nextLine();
      userInputInt = Integer.parseInt(userInputStr);
      if ((userInputInt > 1500) || (userInputInt < 0)) //grams range
         System.out.println("Error: Enter a value between 0 and 1500\n");
      // update accumulators
      totalCals += userInputInt * (FOOD_5_CALORIES_P100G / 100.);
      totalFat  += userInputInt * (FOOD_5_FAT_P100G / 100.);
      totalCarbs  += userInputInt * (FOOD_5_CARBS_P100G / 100.);
      totalProtein  += userInputInt * (FOOD_5_PROTEIN_P100G / 100.);   
      // calculate results -----------------------------------------------
      serCals = totalCals / recipeServingsInt;
      serFat = totalFat / recipeServingsInt;
      serCarbs = totalCarbs / recipeServingsInt;
      serProtein = totalProtein / recipeServingsInt;
      // report results --------------------------------------------------
      System.out.println("\nNutrition for " + recipeName + " per serving"); 
      System.out.println(INDENT + "Calories: " + serCals + " cals");
      System.out.println(INDENT + "Fat: " + serFat + " grams");     
      System.out.println(INDENT + "Carbs: " + serCarbs + " grams"); 
      System.out.println(INDENT + "Protein: " + serProtein + " grams"); 

---------- List of Possible Ingredients ---------
   Food #1: all-purpose flour
   Food #2: egg
   Food #2: cheddar cheese
   Food #2: potato
   Food #3: tomato paste

What is the recipe's name? Breakfast Burrito
How many servings? 6
How many grams of all-purpose flour? 70
How many grams of egg? 50
How many grams of cheddar cheese? 30
How many grams of potato? 40
How many grams of tomato paste? 23
Nutrition for Breakfast Burrito per serving
   Calories: 68.92666666666666 cals
   Fat: 2.5818333333333334 grams
   Carbs: 11.2445 grams
   Protein: 3.77 grams