Tri 1 Reflection In the first few weeks of AP CSA, which will be the start of the second year I’m spending as your student, I can already feel the differences compared to the start of last year in AP CSP. During the very beginning of last school year, I struggled to understand everything; it felt like the class was taking off way too fast. Admittedly a lot of my weekly work in the live reviews were scuffed together last minute and included content that I still did not understand at the moment. I remember hoping during the team live reviews that you would not call on me to explain anything because I didn’t understand all the concepts. Over the past year, I feel that I’ve grown a lot as a programmer. Now, I understand everything that I am doing when I work on the weekly hacks, and if I am stuck it is quickly resolved. I’ve walked into all of the team live reviews so far this year feeling prepared. I find it funny compared to last year how I now sometimes feel like there is not enough time during live reviews to show you everythign I worked on during the week. Additionally, last year I did not get to try deployment. But in CSA I found it valuable that we all got to learn how to deploy on an AWS instance. The backend to front end was also new to me and I think it is a good method to keep code organized.